Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Unleash The Dragon

Song of today: Come What May [Ewan McGreggor & Nicole Kidman]

Well, was just thinking of this song, and thinking of someone. Yeah, come what may… =)

Okay, so I pon-ed (skipped) ITB the other day… And William Tan marked me as absent for 2 days. Oh well, I’m going fer yer lesson tomorrow, so don’t worry dude. Anyway, was fun to go to Swensen’s with Reg, Nic and Gajan. Ice-cream rocks eh? Okay, I have had too much ice-cream, its time to start cutting down on that sugar snack (since when did I become such a health nut?!).

Today was just a mad rush for the OC presentation. Damn, I hope I get an A for this section… =/ Please be lenient with me and give me an A+! But I kinda felt bad cause we like took one hour to do our mock presentation before being taped. I mean, Sheryll should have stopped us when she knew we were going on too long and told us to cut it down. To DMC1A05: I’m really, really sorry we bored ya to death. But anyway, a BIG THANKS to someone cause after I told ya some stuff I felt much better and far less down. I don’t like to name names, so I won’t go into details.

As for ICP, well, communication is cool. I kinda like this module, core as it is. I understand it well, hope to do well for the upcoming CA1! =))

Now, for the prankster in me, I did go ahead with playing the pranks on people in school today. Lol. The invisible ink one that is. Arisya thought her shirt was really stained and Ifah screamed like mad when she saw the big blotch on her tudung (malay head scarf). All in good fun sista’s!

Yeah, the class went socializing once again after OC today, KFC was the usual hang out. I wonder how often we’ve eaten KFC. Lol. Okay, its gonna be mid-week and then its like 1 ½ weeks to term break! Woohoo! Term break, term break! 2 months pass by real quick eh?

Okay, aside from that, I’ve noticed that by being in DMC, I’ve become more confident of myself, more daring even. I mean, just look at me, playing pranks on my classmates. I think Sheryll Kan would be gullible enough to fall for a prank even. Lol! Anyone game to try? Yeah, maybe its good, maybe its bad. But, yeah, DMC manages to get the more confident me out. Or at least, I’m gaining confidence. But I think its also partially due to the blend of people in class DMC1A05.

We’re insanely sane (yes, thanks for permission to use that L), not like other classes in DMC at al (okay, okay, I admit it, I’m biased!). The peeps are supportive, especially people like Dione, Nad, Arisya, Mesh, Carol, See Jun, Weijie, Zhao Jie, Xin Le, ZhiLi, Gajan, Shaun, Fah, Reg, Nic… Big thanks to you guys too! =)) It feels good to be part of such a dynamic class y’know. What makes me like DMC1A05? You guys! ;)

I seem to rattle on and on eh? Is this an inherited Fernandez gene I wonder… I know I do have some Fernandez genes in me, take for instance the mischief gene. Pranks, pranks, pranks! I still remember playing a part in pranking the best of all teacher pranks: Mrs. Farahain Aidil in GMSS.

Okay, here I am, going to spill out another story… Gosh, hope I don’t bore you guys! Yeah, the spider was sitting there (I had brought the spider for Willie to use in this prank). She didn’t see it inside the OHP cover cause she didn’t use the OHP that lesson. It was a shame. We had planned it all out nicely. It was a good prank too. Fed up, Willie placed it on the screen of the OHP. She moved back from the board and rested her hands on the OHP cover.

She didn’t see it. We gave up, it simply wasn’t going to work. Then came the scream that made us leap out of our seats. It HAD worked! She ran towards the board as we stared at her in wonderment. She had seen the spider and to make things funnier, she added, “I actually wasn’t scared of it. But I knew you all wanted me to scream so I did.” Thanks Mrs. Aidil! We owe you one!

So, as you can see, I do have a bad side to me, a mischievious one at that! So, unleash the dragon in me!

Shout outs:
L: I know its tough when yer best friend’s going away. Do what I did. Trade things, like caps, wristbands… Knowing that those were from the person you miss will help ya, you’ll feel connected to the person for sure. Take it from me cuz. Hope ya cheer up.
Dak: Glad yer check up went well. Yer on the road to recovery! =)) Have faith you’ll be back with yer arm in full use. Stay strong!
Dame: Signs, oh signs… What do they mean? I have no idea, do you? Oh well. Have fun on yer upcoming Chicago trip. I’m sure you’ll do a great job at the photo shoot. ;)
Fano: How is Kyle I wonder? Lol. Anyway, yes ma’am, I hear ya. I’ll be at the paper, crafting the story for your reading pleasure.


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