Sunday, August 07, 2005

Passing thoughts

Song of today: None

Happy Birthday Kenneth!

Aight, today I’m just going to stay home and get lotsa rest. My nose has been “leaking” and I think it may be the onslaught of the flu. Rest should do the trick and I’ve been eating vitamin-C to boost recovery.

Last night I stepped into McD’s and had an orange juice only. Mind you, it was just orange juice and not fast-FOOD, so I consider it as not breaking my anti-fast food month rule. Also, have been without caffeine for a week. =))

Oh, and I forgot to say, Caryn replied my email, haha. Thanks Caryn, was nice to receive that. =) And yes, a shower and new clothes do make you look different after being in the wild for 36 days and nights.

Haiz… I’m damn missing ya today. Oh well, will see when I can get to talk to ya eh? =))

Anyway, here are the castaways currently known on Survivor: Guatemala.
Rafe Judkins, Gary Hogeboom, Judd Sergeant, Blake Towsley, Booby Jon Dinkard, Stephenie LaGrossa, Morgan McDevitt, Brooke Struck, Margaret Bobonich, Danielle Boatwright. I hope that Judd, Rafe, Margaret, Brooke aren’t your model wannabes and such like BJ and Steph (models) and Blake, Morgan and Danielle. Sheesh, I am having model overload. CBS, stop casting eye candy, the game is NOT about eye candy. Its about survival in the jungle with NORMAL, real life people like me and whoever reads my darn blog. But thanks for making it a nice birthday present you CBS producers. =)

Thank goodness taking the panadol today helped. Haiz… No more sniffling. Okaaaaaaaayyy… My brother is watching this “ancient” movie on Channel 5. I have no idea what’s going on… and I’m beginning to feel kind of light headed now.

I’d better go sleep a bit. Update later.

Okay, had a good 3 hours of sleep. =) Hope that was sufficient rest. Anyway, I’m kind of pleased. Made some progress on the Super Squad. Haha. Yep, I’m happy about that.

But I also am starting to miss you-know-who even more… Sigh. It’s hard… You would understand. Oh well, will tell you in more detail later k?

Ummm, getting back to the Super Squad, hopefully I can get chapter 11 done by the end of this week. Hopefully. I think this will be a busy week. =/ We have got to rush for our FOM project, decide on our design for the DTP group assignment, go for the CADC AGM, make-up lessons, do ICP project. Don’t stress out… There’s one month more of school before our study break and then semestral exams. In 7 weeks time, I will be back on holidays for a month. Done with this set of modules, we move on to set B with the General Elective Modules (GEMs) coming in. Well, I am not going to leave everything till the last minute. I’d better start revising my ICP and FOM so that I will be able to recall the stuff I’ve learnt. All the concepts and theories. One month of casual and maybe one week of intensive may be enough to do the trick.

L: Hmmm, does bored to death has no guts to return to continue the debate. How sad… It was nice to debate against him/her.
Dak: Heyo, sup? Return to USG soon k? Yer presence is missed…
Dame: Yo! Although yer presence is missed at USG, do take yer time. Work is always more important, but we’ll be here to welcome you back when you return. =))


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