Wednesday, November 30, 2005

MTV day

Okay, today was purely work from the time we set foot into the IDEA tutorial room.

Break down of the day:
9-11: IDEA module
11-12: Do WP proposal for submission
12-2: DVPA tutorial
2-3: Complete NW for submission
3-4: Resume WP proposal
4-5: IPRA lecture

Therefore, after today, we are beat. I had to crash/die/collapse (or what ever adjective that means equivilent) sometime. It happened today. Haha, watched Spongebob and after that crashed for an hour. Sigh, exhausted.

Today (or more like yesterday), shall be known as the DMC MTV day. Haha. Yeah, we did an MTV during the DVPA lesson, believe it or not. The tape is with Doris for safe keeping. Basically, we all (with the exception of Dione, Alison, Regina) did the MTV thing. All in the blue screen area, whatever that is called. And Shaun was our director to this funky Chinese music.

Ah well... Whatever Shaun, never correograph MTVs in future. Hahahaha. At least that was something fun during the day. It was fun to watch too. Only... I HAD to wear the bright orange Fila shirt and make myself super obvious on camera. Why couldn't I choose a blue? Or black? Or green? Nevermind... Hahaha.

Shout Outs:
Maria: Thought I'd mention ya too, it was fun catching up by messaging the other day.
L: Thanks cuz for, erm, agreeing to help.
Smack: Yer gonna be in my prayers tonight.



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