Sunday, May 28, 2006


Ok, just came back from showing Ava downtown. And we took 196 back. Then, just as we were going to go into the school grounds, an accident happened. A red car crashed into a scooter. The guy was on the ground and unconcious at first. I called the ambulance and they came soon enough. So yeah, at that point Ava and I walked home. The motorcyclist would be taken care of. Good deed for the day done eh?

But yeah, was a busy day sorta. Been out like nearly 12 hours? Secret recipe. Church. Downtown. Secret Recipe was good with Mahirah, Mervyn and Rahim. Great time guys. And not forgetting, lest she kill me, Xin Le. Lotsa pictures and stuff, yeah. Uhm, kinda lazy to blog plus have to do some research on HFTV before I meet with the group tomorrow. Night all. Love the HFTV group guys.


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