Saturday, June 03, 2006


Okay, another whirlwind entry on updating about the days. My life is busy eh?

Thursday. IHRP (Ih-reap), DMA, LSC. I handed in DMA, nice. LSC was hillarious as usual. Some presentations during IHRP were nice and cute (the one with Mr. Muthu). Anyway, Mozzie's group, dunno what the heck they were presenting on really. No reference to case studies whatsoever. And with a voice like the Mozzie-voice, how could we hear an explanation?

Went out with Phyllis and Shawn later, after LSC finished. Nice hair cuts guys! =) And many thanks again for waiting for me to arrive after class. Went to watch my first NC16 movie! Yeehaw! You guessed it, Da Vinci. I can see why the Catholic church is against the movie after watching it. It IS rather blasphemous. We had a good conversation about the movie afterward, about why its purely fiction and not fact. It caaried on to today, Friday, when I talked to Carol about it.

If there was a gospel of Philip and a gospel of Mary Magadlene, why don't we all have gospels since it is our own interpretation of God? Get the logic? But I will not devel into the arguments on the Da Vinci code at the moment. Its fiction get it, movie, hollywood. Digressing already eh?

We stopped by Subway on the way out of Cine. Shawn bougth 3 brownies, meaning for each of us to have one. Unfortunately, I didn't know he did that for us and bought one for myself. Goodness, tell me next time dude. I really appreciate the thought though. Camwhored at Somerset awhile before Shawn left for the NEL route while Phyllis and I continued to green line.

Friday. I skipped DMA today since I had finished my CA and handed it in last lesson. I skipped a lesson! Attendance count...
FW - 100%
CONB - 100%
MMR - 100%
OM - 100%
DMA - 1 lesson skipped
LSC - 100%
IHRP - 100%
HFTV - 100%

Not bad. Went out with Jo and Alvin today. Ate laksa, then went to Coffee Bean at Holland Village. We had an ice blended Belgium chocolate coffee. Then we went to Swensen's to eat ice-cream. Alvin & I settled for the unlimited scoops of ice-cream with the main course. Falvours? Mocha almond, Sticky Chewy Chocolate, Chocolate Malt. Yummy! I loved the Chocolate Malt.

Slept at the main library, went to wait for Yessie to arrive before going to ARTStravaganza. Ghim Moh's one and only concert in its entire history. For a first time? I give the school a standing ovation. High marks for effort definitely. At the end, found Da Jie and spent some time with her and Yessie. Pity Ah Pa and Ah Ma were not there.

Met Willie again after so long. And Chin Weng (thanks for helping take photos) and Zhi Xiang and Kenneth and a whole host of others. Cam whored with the teachers and had some time to chat with them. I wanted to chat more but they're busy with Guest(s) of Honour and logistical stuff. So, teacher hunting. Let's see how well I did at my quest.

1) Ms Lynne Chin
2) Mr Chelva Rajah
3) Mrs Chow Bee Lian
4) Mrs Leong Yam Hoon
5) Mr Roy Chua
6) Mr Tan Tiong Chuan
7) Mr Chew Yiu Chee
8) Mrs Farahain Aidil
9) Mr Abdul Aziz
10) Mrs Yong Laik Check

I'd say quest succeeded. Only 2 teachers whom I did not get to take a photo with or of.


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