Monday, June 05, 2006

E-learning week

Okay, so life is getting less busy now. Or maybe that's cause I am down and not feeling well? Heh. Whatever. Not much to report about the last few days cept that I have once again been attacked by teh flu bug... I'm getting better so no worries. Anyway, e-learning week is here. And I have already done quite a bit of the assignments handed out.

MMR video
OM tutorial Edit: Finished at 1345
CONB tutorial
DMA ???
FW analysis
HFTV blogging (I can skip this actually since I met 3 posts criteria)

Okay, now need to get those done and I'm home free! Yeehaw! "Happy" e-learning week all, I know, we'd rather be in school eh? *rolls eyes*


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud


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