Monday, June 05, 2006

Holidays are supposed to be fun

But, they're so bleah... I went out with Jo and Alvin tonight and we ate dinner together. But what else have I got to do? Nothing much if you'd ask me. I don't want to go to that Bukit Tinggi whatever it is but I am forced to since my family wants a holiday and doesn't give a damn if I want to go to that boring hell hole or not and says I am not part of the family anymore and I don't do things for them and I don't participate or whatever the hell.... Fine, just say I don't appreciate anyone and get it and over and done with. What the hell?

I don't mind just going to KL and staying in gran's house but no. We MUST go somewhere and do things as a family. Then why the heck did you jetset to Aussie last year and leave me behind if you want to spend time together as a family. I don't get the logic here. It don't make sense. What is said and what is done are always two very different things. Why is it that during holidays there's always this row? I know, I'm being unrealistic now typing this but every once in awhile we need an outlet like this.

My holidays are pathetic. I don't do much, I stay home and use my allowance to pay my transport and my phone bills, nothing gets saved and it all gets USED. I'm not even allowed the com 24 hours. Only like from the moment yer up till 11pm. Oh what the hell.... The holidays are not fun. I'd rather be back in school. Yet I know I need this break to get away from all this competitiveness and whatsoeverness even if there is no such word. Ok. Fine. So what to do next? Blame the country? Why are you too small? Why is there nothing fun to do?

And then? Blame the friends? Why is it so hard to organise a get-together? Why do the timings conflict? Why do you tell me yer free on these days, only to tell me I want to reserve this day for packing and I have to see if I am free on this day. Bah. As you can see, I am not in a good mood at the moment. Let me go watch TV till late in the night. May the holidays go by as quickly as possible for me while it drags on for others to enjoy. I don't like holidays, neither do I hate them. Its a love-hate relationship. Goodnight.


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