Saturday, December 29, 2007

Home Alone movies

To date, there have been 4 Home Alone movies produced over a period of 12 years. You can tell that it just gets crappier and crappier as it goes along. According to Wikipedia, there's supposed to be a Home Alone 5. Sure, you watch, you laugh. But its not laughing cause its funny, its laughing at the sheer stupidity of it all.

Home Alone, the original, was great. Everyone loved it. It was new and the kid was cute. Then came the sequel. Same family, same kid, different city. This time due to a mix up, the kid goes to New York City meets the bad guys and kicks their butt. And the family is reunited once again after rushing to wherever the kid is. It introduced the new stuff like the TV versus the hotel staff scene. And the location was somewhere other than a familiar home.

Along came Home Alone 3, which marked the retardation of the series. New family, new kid, new home. Stupid plot, stupid new bad guys. All a bunch of baloney.

And to make things worse, the fourth installment came along. Back to the old family, new city, new house. The original family was so big but this edition features only 5 members. Some seem to have age-reversed. The kid looks smaller than ever. Predictable and hillariously stupid, not to mention an irritating main character. When is enough enough? They should have left it at the second installment. That, or come up with horrendously better plots. Like, why don't they ever use a set of twins? Talk about new dimensions for confusing the already confused bad guys.

Hope that one and all had a good Christmas.

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and more Survivor babble

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to one and all. This is going to be a really different year for me, the first time ever that we're not going to spend Christmas with mom's family in KL. There's a rather absent feeling. On Christmas day we're going to go to church and then for lunch at someone's place and after that there's nothing happening really. Whereas over in KL we'd go for service, then spend the afternoon with a quiet lunch and then at night have a big family dinner with everyone till late in the night.

But I suppose its good to do things differently for once... Eh? When did Christmas become all about gift giving anyway? I haven't had time to go buy anything for anyone these days.

How does a show manage to do it? 15 seasons down, a 16th in post production and at least 2 more in development. Beats me. Billy Garcia from Cook Islands and Leslie Nease from China replied emails to them. That's nice of them. At least they aren't the stuck up sort who think since they've been on TV they're in another dimension and they aren't the famewhore types (JOHNNY ROTTEN anyone?). The guy's career is listed as reality TV contestant, can it get more obvious than that?

He was a serious casting mistake and to date, no one comes close to him for hate value. Not even Dre. Or Shane. No.

Borneo - Having watched this finally was interesting. One group of people who knew what they were doing and another who were completely ignorant.
Australia - If I remember correctly, this was a really good season but not as great as Pearl Islands or China for some reason. Need to rewatch it.
Africa - I might watch this for the second time next. Its been awhile since I remembered anything from Africa.
Marquesas - I didn't follow the entire season the first time round, but watching it for a second time changed my opinion but underscored the fact that I hate a domination pre-merge (read Ulonging).
Thailand - Perhaps watching the second time round would be better.
Amazon - I think the gender bender twist had an effect on how the game played out somewhat.
Pearl Islands - Nearly done watching the season for a second time. Would be done if the software wasn't giving problems. Sad to say, this season has been bumped to second favourite now.
All Stars - Well, interesting concept but not enough to salvage the season I think.
Vanuatu - A lot of people hated the hilly billy season but I still don't get it really.
Palau - Didn't like it cause of the Ulonging.
Guatemala - Another season people didn't really like but I enjoyed and it produced the only female winner after All Stars.
Panama - Hated, hated, hated it. But even then, not as much as I would hate Fiji.
Cook Islands - The racial division caused a lot of furore but in the end it was very well balanced. Loved how the season played out.
Fiji - Absolutely most hated season of all.
China - Favourite season of all time. Great cast, great theme, great editing, great outcome. Okay, so I can't stop gushing now can I?

So if I were to pick a favourite from each season...
Borneo - Sean. Alphabet strategy was funny and completely ignorant but he did come around in the end although it was a case of too little too late.
Australia - Hands down, Colby. Should have won as well but that nurse grabbed it instead.
Africa - I need to get back on this one.
Marquesas - I'd have to say John. He had an idea how to play the game but was eventually too cocky.
Thailand - Shii Ann. The most entertainment value for sure.
Amazon - Rob for being so informed about the game and very cunning.
Pearl Islands - Sandra for being a spit fire and dodging a lot of the votes.
All Stars - Kathy. She was the most spunky player of her previous season and this season it would have been her or Colby I'd liked to have seen win.
Vanuatu - Ami since she was rather cut-throat.
Palau - Hands down, Coby Archa. Just oozes personality. Close behind would be Jenn Lyon.
Guatemala - Danni. Funny but also entertaining.
Panama - Cirie as she gave good confessionals and was entertaining somewhat.
Cook Islands - Yul as he seemed really smart for someone who had never really watched how this game was played.
Fiji - Yau-Man. How can you not like him?
China - Todd had been my favourite from the beginning, before it even aired. A close one is Amanda.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
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Ancient Voices behind the scenes

The behind the scenes of the China theme.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Survivor: China finale, Survivor: Micronesia & I Am Legend

One of the best seasons in a long time. I'm sad. Survivor: China is over. But as they say, all good things come to an end. I'm happy Todd won. He was my pre-season favourite and he won in the end. Way to go T-Roc! I loved the top 3. Sorry Denise, but I didn't see it fit for you to be there. If you were there instead of Todd though, Amanda would have won. This season had an awesome cast ala Pearl Islands. Each person was something else. And Jaime and Erik are dating! Whoooooooooohoooo!

Chicken - I felt mixed over you. On one hand you had the best ever tribal council exit (damn!), but on the other your wife cheated on you with none other than your dad.
Ashley - Interesting diva indeed. WWE star on Survivor. Didn't last long but you provided some fun for sure.
Leslie - Survivor fan, another one of those I liked. I respected you for doing what you think was right in that Buddhist ceremony.
Dave - Crazy Dave indeed! But I like I liked you better "off" screen than "on".
Aaron - The twist screwed you over eh? If anyone deserved second chance from Fei Long, it is you.
Sherea - Now who can forget you running and yelling at Dave? Drama you made.
Jaime - You're kind of funny. At least you knew how to play the game. Cool that you're dating Erik.
Jean-Robert - Like Dave, I like you better "off" screen than "on". Man did I dislike you while you were in the game.
Frosti - Cool young athletic Asian dude. Very cool man.
James - I was glad to see you go, seriously. But another one who I like better "off" screen than "on".
Erik - You're a nice guy, in every sense. Maybe we'd get along well eh? You reminded me of Dirk a little. Momma Leslie would be proud of you.
Peih-Gee - Throwing that immunity when on Zhan Hu was not a bad move like they said now was it? Strategic player. PG!
Denise - It would be in your best interests to clear that scandal you have on your hands. Probably blown out of proportion, but better to do so nonetheless. Your game wasn't much unfortunately.
Amanda - If Todd didn't win out of that final four, it should have been you. You're a favourite.
Courtney - Your edit came around much later. I grew to like you.
Todd - A game well played. Nice to see a fan win the game. Now that you're in the alumni, go talk to fellow fan Brian. Man, I'd give to see the both of you on a season together. Think of all the scheming! Congrats, I'm glad you won.

As one season closes, another is waiting. Survivor heads back to Palau next season for Survivor: Micronesia - Fans versus Favourites.

Who will be returning? Highlight to read.
Johnny Fairplay - Pearl Islands
Eliza Orlins - Vanuatu
Ami Cusack - Vanuatu
Cirie Fields - Panama
Ozzy Lusth - Cook Islands
Parvati Shallow - Cook Islands
Jonathan Penner - Cook Islands
Yau-Man - Fiji
James Clement - China
Amanda Kimmel - China

Returnees, DO THE RIGHT THING. You know what I mean. Boot, boot, boot! Off with the head!

Yesterday we went to watch the show I Am Legend. The premise was good, it was not a bad story. Just that the end was too abrupt as Faye put it. I think it would have done to have been developed further. It was as though the build up was so long just for it to be resolved all too quickly. But good effect I'll say.

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Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Show that started it All

I just managed to finish watching the first ever season of the show which I, without doubt, follow the most closely. And even as this season has concluded, the latest one is about to do so tomorrow in the US and the sixteenth season will debut in less than 2 months time. But anyway, we shan't talk about the latest seasons of TV's longest running reality show now. There will be time for it later on.

This season was quite enjoyable. From the way it was produced to how it was edited (have I said that the official soundtrack sounded fab?). Though the sets looked like they were produced with a lower budget than now, it was quality versus quantity as seen is some of the later seasons (Fiji much?). It also introduced the now familiar theme known as the Survivor song to the casual viewers. But from the overall product, I'm not surprised that it was a hit when it debuted. Really, who would have thought of marooning 16 Americans on a deserted island for 39 days and the sole survivor being the million dollar winner? Who would have?

The two tribes had really distinct ways of operating. Pagong, the younger tribe, wanted to play fair and go with the gut feel rather than have safety in numbers. Tagi, the generally older tribe, on the other hand went with the numbers game and emerged the top 5 out of the group of 16. It was amusing to see all the castaways struggle with voting through an alliance. Years after this season aired, no one gives a hoot about getting into an alliance. That was a fresh difference I suppose.

As for the challenges, they seemed different from the typical ones these days. There used to be the individual fire-making challenge for a couple of seasons, but that doesn't happen any more. The mud volcano challenge was used again in Cook Islands though. Those were interesting challenges. The army-built obstacle course was brilliant though. Loved the challenges.

1. Sonja - Never really knew her as she only spent 3 days (1 episode) there. But she did seem like a very likable lady.
2. BB - He, on the other spectrum, got on my nerves. I'm not surprised he was voted out when he was. How could you not grate on people's nerves when you're shouting at them to work 16 hours out of 24? And he knew what this game was about, its not about making your life more comfortable. I never did get why he was out there. Oh, right. For all the wrong reasons.
3. Stacey - Maybe she tried too hard, too early? Then again, it is very hard to tell when is the right time to make a move in the game. And with no prior season to act as a reference, it would have been all the more difficult.
4. Ramona - She did try, you have to give her credit. I think it would have been difficult to vote any one out of this tribe.
5. Dirk - I'll say too bad we didn't see him longer. He was nice and you have to take your hat off to him. Bringing a bible all the way out there, sticking to values. In this day with all the influences, its commendable that he sticks to his values. Even one of the other contestants expressed their surprise.
6. Joel - The tribe's foresight got cut off before the merge. Gervase should have taken this spot instead and no, its not racism.
7. Gretchen - Big character. She was different from what I was expecting really.
8. Greg - Very interesting personality. Its almost as if he were a split personality at times. Hah.
9. Jenna - She came off more likable here than she did All Stars. Also, I think she had gotten over the moral thingy when it came to alliances then. It didn't seem to bother her as much. But as one of the All Stars, it was interesting to see the differences.
10. Gervase - I didn't like him really. Possibly the only thing I liked was his voting confessional at the final tribal council. That just cracked me up.
11. Colleen - How did she get the title America's Sweetheart? I liked Elizabeth more than I liked her. But with her snaps at Richard and Kelly, she did give a few laughs here and there. Especially in the final tribal voting confessional - "Go buy a raft, start some tour or something, maybe that will make you nicer".
12. Sean - Loved this guy's character. So whacko. From the alphabet voting strategy to the pure blindness to the alliance.
13. Susan - Not surprised she was an All Star castaway. Goodness, was she funny.
14. Rudy - The oldest Survivor castaway I can think of. You need to take your hat off to him for being so plucky to go out there and survive as long as he did. I remember thinking he was bitchy and grouchy when I first watched but now it doesn't seem as bad as I thought it was.
15. Kelly - I think she should have won really. Or maybe not. Just as she was confused in playing the game, so am I about whether she should have won or not.
16. Richard - Not surprised he won given his profession of being a corporate communications consultant. Gave the best PR speech at the final tribal closing statements. He came in knowing what he was getting into and knowing what he wanted.

Great season indeed. No wonder I love this show.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Cycle 9 over, Cycle 10 coming

And the winner of top model cycle 9 is... Saleisha. As one season closes, another comes. Like Survivor, 2 months later comes ANTM Cycle 10. The local channel here only just concluded ANTM Cycle 8 so I've had to follow this Cycle on youtube.

Chantal, Sarah, Bianca, Mila, Lisa, Saleisha, Kimberly, Heather, Ebony, Janet, Ambreal, Jenah, Victoria are the models of the season.

1. Ambreal - Vibrant personality. Definitely one of those who stands out.
2. Bianca - I didn't like her... as much as the others. Most of them this season were likable.
3. Chantal - Loved her. Total package. Enough said.
4. Ebony - Its either she looks like Kamesh at certain angles or Kamesh looks like her at certain angles. Heh.
5. Heather - Loved her as well. Watch for her story.
6. Janet - The mom figure. She was rather likable.
7. Jenah - One of the youngest in the group but seems so polished.
8. Kimberly - Didn't really like her either.
9. Lisa - She was nice, but I think that was just it.
10. Mila - Say hello to the robot man.
11. Saleisha - Perhaps she has the most experience in the industry?
12. Sarah - You'd think that having the most common top model name would make you stand out more.
13. Victoria - Ms. Yale "I don't have a prickly disposition".

Good season this cycle. Looking out for Cycle 10. If tradition holds, a new intro is in store. I liked this version though.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Project Runway 4

Project Runway 4 is more drama packed than any season before this. But the designs are just as good as the drama. There are some very distinct personalities on this season, some a bit quieter. But they did a good job avoiding the love-to-hate-that-badlies like Santino Rice. Or even Wendy Peppers.

1. Simone - She was okay. Seemed a bit all over the place in her design though, like, she was unsure.
2. Marion - The nice, shy guy. I wish he would have spoken up more or that he had more air time.
3. Carmen - Looks like she had potential but the odds were against her in the type of tasks they had to do.
4. Chris - Likable guy. Project Runway's version of Rupert if you may. Design wise he was okay.
5. Christian - I can't stand his drawl or how he thinks so highly of himself. Like the Sarah Jessica Parker episode where he was like, "Yes, but I WANT to hear what Sarah Jessica has to say." As if she's gonna give you want you expect.
6. Elisa - She surprised me somewhat. With her early drama and then fading out faster than she came in.
7. Jack - One of my, if not my, favourite. Great designs, great personality and the overall package is great as well. Sexay much.
8. Jillian - She's the cute one that has great ideas. Kinda liking her as well.
9. Kit - Gotta love Pistol. She's awesome as well.
10. Kevin - Silent but packs a punch. Clothes are awesome. Also the only straight guy as of episode 3, LOL.
11. Rami - Another guy with superb designs. Excellent man.
12. Ricky - Yet another one I can't stand much. Like Christian, thinks that he's somewhat good. Can't stand his facial expressions either. Maybe that's getting personal, but it gets on my nerves.
13. Steven - If Jack is my favourite, he's my second favourite. Not too much from the fashion stand, but from the entertainment stand. Love that redhead.
14. Sweet P - She's another character. Heidi says, "Sweet P, who do you think should go?" Sweet P whispers, "Can I do eneey, meeney, miney, mo?" "Sweet P!" "Ahhh!"
15. Victorya - She's no Chloe Dao, neither is she a Diana Eng. Maybe she's more typical Asian. Whatever it is, Project Runway sure is good at showing different types of Asians with different personalities.

This season rocks totally, so far at least. And the next episode previews promise even more drama.
Coming up: America's Next Top Model cycle 9 finale

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Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm watching Survivor: Borneo for the time being and for the first time. The show was showing on TV when we had just moved back to Singapore and I knew it was popular cause my uncle had asked me to watch it when it was on (Thursday, 8pm people? Borneo then showed in the US at Wednesday, 8ET). I vaguely remember Ramona and Gervase and the rats one episode, and another was someone getting voted out and asking to be sent out of the rain, Jenna I think. That's probably all I ever watched. Never even knew who won. Then came Australia and that's when I began watching from the Maralyn boot onwards.

It was high concept for sure. Who would ever have thought of taking 16 people, dumping them in the jungle for real and asking them to play this Lord of the Flies game for TV? No one! No surprise it was a reality hit and boosted the demand for reality tv. But looking at the production sets nowdays compared to what was Borneo, that season looks kinda ghetto now. But its all good. Survivor South Africa seems to be headed in the same direction (the second season's sets looked the same as what was Borneo). Hope they go for another season and experiment with colours.

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