Friday, September 22, 2006

in Loving Memory of You

I dunno why, a few moments before posting this, I was literally shaking. I dunno why....

He was and is your son,

Also the pride of your dad and your mom,

And today is his birthday,

I’m lost, I dunno what to say.

It’s a day of joy and a day of sorrow,

But as you used to say, each day as tomorrow,

One year on, he’s turning one,

One year on, one dad he has none.

Just thinking about this day,

So many emotions come into play,

On one hand you have happiness,

On another hand sadness.

So here’s to wishing your boy a happy birthday,

And hoping that he’ll have happy memories as the days go by,

‘Cause he deserves to have a life filled with happiness each day,

And so do you bro, you didn’t deserve to pass by…


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Go figure this out yerself

*This entry is back-dated for certain reasons

Warning, this is going to be an emo post, so you know what to expect. Sometimes I feel like my life is total shit. Yeah, suppose today is one of those days. By the way, a happy birthday to Aunty Ivy. Today is just weird. Weird to the max, like emo overload. No one would notice, cause I spent most of the day either snoozing or watching mundane TV shows. Prison break was cool, yeah. I'll agree to that.

Dear Nan,
Its just hard. The closer it is to going up, the worse I seem to feel. Sheesh, I dunno if I can handle it. Maybe I'm over reacting, I have no idea. But like, I can't even use a hairbrush that has yer hair in it still. I don't think it should ever be used. Its, its like a memory of you, some remnant to show you existed. Its just gonna be hard on my part...


Dear bro,
This is a hard weekend for me. Feeling kinda emo today, various reasons. It sucks really. I'll have the poem up tomorrow. Its done, I dunno how it is. Its happy and sad too. It shows how I feel for sure. Sigh. I cannot but help and think about it now and the whole thing as a big picture. Sigh...

Kid bro.

Shout Outs:
Dak: I dunno how this weekend is gonna be for ya dude. I hope it goes well. I wish I could be in yer arms today, I sure could use yer shoulder. I'm listening to that song again, IMUB.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Back from Aloha

Current song: Come With Me - Phil Collins

Yep, listening to it again. And I'm feeling good. Thanks again, you who dedicated it. Blogger is being a nuisance with photo uploads. Anyway, confirmed my GEM module today, Creative Game Design. Sounds interesting eh?

Yeah, well, the chalet was interesting as well. Carol, Shaun, Zhao Jie, Weijie, Gajan, Kay Miang, Nicole, Regina, Zhili, Xiao Ling & I stayed over the first night. Slept at a very early am hour, one people usually wake up at. Haha. It was just fun in short. Rajan cooks fantastic salmon. Thanks Rajan!

Dear Nana,
This weekend its going to be different without you there anymore. That empty room, which I will be trying to avoid.... It felt so empty the last time I went up. Your bed was there, without an occupant. Your TV, radio, everything. Mom has a comb of yours, I think it still has your hair in it. I never used it, I don't want to. Sigh, missing ya Nan.


Dear Bro,
I wonder how things have been where you are, and where Nan is too. Been working on that little thing, gonna be done soon. Chalet was fun, had a good time there. Talking to Reg was cool. Bro, miss ya loads man. Keep thinking of yer family too, wondering how they're doing. Hope they're doing okay.

Kid bro.

Shout Outs:
Dak: Belated happy 1 year 2 months dude. Have fun and you can manage yer work for sure. Yer an awesome dude, keep on rocking. Yul rocks and yeah, here's crossed fingers for him to win. Yul-ownage!
Mesh: Hey Jewish crazy gal, thanks for the MSN convos and their funk. Good luck with the Jewish name search, Rosh!
Reg: Eh, I really need to thank you for being so open with me and yeah, your being really open is a good thing. =)) Thanks Reg.
Dame: Dude, so miss ya man. So miss ya.
Nan: Missing ya too Nan, its just so different after seeing people go... I know its time to move on, but I can't forget you guys. I can't and will not. Yer memories will remain and I will keep them forever.

Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Going down, down, down

Since coming back from India, I've lost 4.5 kg. Not bad I'd say. Shall continue to drop the kilos, haha. Yup, weight must go down. Must be healthy, must be fit.

Dear Nana,
4.5 kg down. You always had something nice to say I remember. I was just emailing Ava this morning and happened to remember those times we stayed with you. In section 5, section 17... I remember you leeting me plant my own marigolds, and they did flower nicely too. I wonder how yer gardens are doing. Going back to the house will be... Difficult this weekend.


Dear Bro,
I dunno how this week is gonna go man. The memories will be back, starting Friday. I'm trying to write out something, I need to work on it. Then on Saturday we're going back to Nan's old house to celebrate Aunty Ivy's birthday. Only Nan isn't there in the house. Sigh. I think you'd know how hard it is. Hope yer doing good bro, totally miss ya.

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Friday, September 15, 2006


Okay, so I'm a happy guy today. Various reasons. I managed to get my new Survivor intros and theme. Not bad, I kinda like it. Very back-to-the-original yet with a new twist. Click here for the theme and here for the intro.

Also, whatever CBS had decided to do, they have done. So no use saying "Oh man, what a horrible twist", "There's going to be a lot of stereotypical portrayals" and what nonsense. It's a done deal, so to heck with that. If you don't like the twist idea, don't watch. That's the thing I hate about "people" here. Its because of this "controversial" twist that channel 5 is not airing Cook Islands. At least for the moment. And why? Well, I can see from their point of view. Who is willing to bet that if they did air it today/tonight, within the next week there'd be at least one letter of complaint in The Straits Times' forum the week following the premiere. Eh? Any takers? People need to loosen up.

Anyway, even if they do air it after sometime, where's the fun in that? I mean, there's the pick'em which we look forward to each season. What a let down not to join in! But there are ways when there's a will (yes, I paraphrased that). TVU player is a god send. Unfortunately, I can't watch it too long since school opens in like less than 2 weeks. Thank goodness for those kind souls on the net who tape stuff like this to let us watch. A big thank you to those people. One more thing before I stop ranting on not allowing Cooks to air, don't judge a book by its cover. In episode 1, there was favourable edits for the minority tribes. Okay, maybe they over did it with the slight negative edit for the Caucasian tribe, but we all can use common sense to know that every race is equal, none is superior. To take it from our MM, he did push for equality. Don't tell me that even after all he did in the past, we now do not see equality amongst races. *smacks hand on forehead*

That aside, episode 1 was cool. Puka Puka (Asian tribe) came in first place in the first challenge. Well, I generally liked that tribe as a whole. Please, do not go on that since I'm Asian I support the Asian tribe nonsense. I like some of the other castaways too. Like Ozzy, Billy and Adam to begin with. Their edits in the first episode lead me to like them for different reasons. Ozzy was a hard worker with a good head, he'll go far mark my words. Billy seems to know that this is a game and has his game face on. I like how he thinks. Adam, I liked him from the beginning, he seems to be genuine enough.

Yeah so all in all, episode 1 was not bad for a 20 castaway season. Sure, some were under the radar this episode but what can you expect in one hour? There's the marooning, the camp life, the challenges and tribal council to show. You can't ask for too much. I'll say the editors did a good job with this episode. Please keep it that way, not like Exile Island where episode 1 was good but then it deteriorated.

Also, got a chance to speak with some friends today. Awesomeness. =))

Dear Nana.
Things are going well here. The holidays are nearly over, class chalet coming up and all. Its not bad I'd say. Often times I'd wonder what you are doing where you are. Must be different eh? Ah well, we love you and miss you. Yer remembered and not forgotten.


Dear Bro.
Well, things are moving fine if you know what I mean. This week is a cheerful week for many reasons, but I suppose you know the biggest reason why, lol. It was awesome in the least. Uhm, well, yet again, I'm tongue tied. Just letting ya know that yer remembered as well, never forgotten, always loved, forever missed.

Kid bro.

I figured I might as well do a shout out too.

Shout Outs:
Dak: ILUB! You keep on rocking. Remember to take that day out to enjoy yourself aight? Keep in touch.
Fano: Cook Islands Pick'em here we come. Ready for the new season! All the best in running this season's pick'em.
DMC2B05: Yeehaw! Can't wait for the barbecue to come and the chalet too. Take care y'all.
L: All the best with the exams cuz. Study hard.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Something to smile about

While the main DMC results were o-kay, the Specialist Diploma results are somewhat better.

Creativity and Conceptualisation - B
History of Film & Television - B+

Semester GPA: 3.25
Cumulative GPA: 3.25

I believe that everyone did well. Congrats all. And THANK YOU Ms. Kwa and Mr. Loh.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My results are sick and I should kill myself

Introduction to Human Resource Practices - BA006B - 2 - A
Consumer Behaviour - BA0076 - 4 - B
Digital Media Applications - BA0219 - 4 - B
Feature Writing - BA0237 - 3 - B+
Legal System and Contracts - BA0221 - 3 - C
Organisational Management - BA0220 - 3 - C+
Mass Media Research - BA0265 - 5 - C+

Lowest GPA. Ever.

Don't ask. Dissapointed in self. I oughta go kick myself in the ass I know. Yes mom, I should've studied harder, done more work, etc, etc. Now let me go die.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Isn't it interesting?

Wow. My site has received loads of hits recently. But you won't be able to guess where from. So far, this blog has been visited by readers from Australia, USA, UK, France, Belgium, Canada!, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Iceland, India and Fiji. Totally wow.

Ok, so Survivor: Cook Islands is either not showing here or will be shown super late after USA shows the series like half-way already. That is understandable, but to not show Amazing Race 10 is wtf? Let me state my arguments for against the non airing of TAR 10.

1) There is no controversial twist
Unlike Survivor: Cook Islands, the teams are and always will be teams of people with pre-existing relationships, irregardless of race, language or religion. The concept is the same, there always have been minorities.

2) The producers are different and have different styles
Jerry Bruckheimer is not so silly to go try something as drastic or desperate as Mark Burnett. I take my hat off to JB for not being so desperate as MB for viewership and ratings

3) Amazing Race is a staple reality show
Amazing Race has won numerous emmys as opposed to other shows (ANTM, PR). 'Nuff said.

Okay, enough rant on TV. Readers who visited looked for things relating to "Survivor", "Russ Landau" and "Organisational Behaviour" (wow). Interesting. For previous intros and themes of Survivor, let me recommend which has an excellent and up to date collection.

Dear Nana,
Its been sometime since I wrote here eh? Hope that everything is fine where you are and that yer enjoying yerself. People here cannot forget you. Its evident. Everyone still talks about you - Uncle Berty, Aunty Tina, mom, me.... But it'd be the people around you the most who will observe that difference. I know Uncle Berty misses you a lot. And Aunty Dah too. Aunty Tina can't stop writing about how you were a big thing, no, a big role model, mother, care giver in her emails. Everyone misses you Nan.


Dear Bro,
This is going to be both an enjoyable and painful month I have to say. You have your anniversary of 911 to remember and Dak's birthday. Sigh. Then you have things like the class chalet and holidays and all that going on as well. Life is never perfect eh?

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Incredible !ndia

The land of "I'll Never Do It Again". I suppose that phrase sums it up for others but I pretty much enjoyed the trip, even with the Delhi belly, and would like to visit again.

Dear Nana,
I returned to your homeland, although not your hometown. I would've loved to have visited Kerala, but this trip was North India. I liked India. Delhi's modern parts with reasonable shopping, Agra's astounding relics of history, Jaipur's hills. All beautiful. Maybe one day again eh?

I still miss you indeed, no doubt about that. Hard to know that you're gone. Like, it doesn't register like I didn't feel like I was in India cause it felt a tad like Malaysia. Sigh. I know you probably don't want us, me, to feel this way...

The Taj Mahal was magnificent. I'll remember it forever. And the elephant ride in Jaipur was just wow. I love visiting your home country Nan. Love you loads.


Dear Bro,
Let me say that this was some experience. Its like the first time I've gone on a journey without mom and dad on a plane. I feel ready to travel on my own now. Well, I did go round Connaught Place by myself without getting lost. ;) I felt kinda proud for doing that. I went round Delhi by myself, didn't lose anything to pick pockets or whatever you have.

The company was cool. I had time to get to know other people in the course and found that they were kinda nice. Breaking the spec dip barrier? Heh. India has very nice skies, especially at sunset. Awesome! Well, I suppose you'd love those kinda things eh? Know you would... Sigh.

Coming back, I feel kinda tired. Is this jet lag? I don't think it is... Its, werd. Tired like you should sleep but then again no... Too much sleep. Weird...

Kid bro.


Heads Up and Stay Strong
Be Proud